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Former BUFF driver; self-styled military historian; paid (a lot) to write about beating plowshares into swords; NOT Foamy the Squirrel, contrary to all appearances. Wesleyan Jihadi Name: Sibling Railgun of Reasoned Discourse

Friday, February 25, 2005

Women With Power Easily Unleash Ideation About Sex

Those words just go together so well!

Ann Althouse has musings concerning The One. She treats intelligently what I made jest of last night:

Women with power easily unleash ideation about sex -- and sex and power. If the woman can't be contained by the thought that her powerfulness has removed her sexuality altogether, then the thought becomes that her sexuality has merged with her power. In the case of Condoleezza Rice, who has a high position of power and is distinctly attractive, she seems to become a strange new being -- a superhero like Neo in "The Matrix"!

Is it wrong to talk about powerful women this way? I say no. Image, fashion, and beauty are all important. And we certainly didn't refrain from talking about how the male candidates for President looked in 2004. We obsessed over their ties, their hair and their makeup, and the bulges under their clothes. So go ahead and spout your theories about the meaning of Condoleezza Rice's high-heeled boots.

Mine is: these boots are made for running for President.

What she said...

Note the repetition of the Neo meme.

Last night, I cast Condi as Neo and Ann Coulter as Trinity, not mindful of the delicious implications this had. ("Some horror movies start this way, man!" "Yeah, but some porno movies start this way!")

By the way, I met the lady face to face in 1986, when she was the NSC's Russia expert. She was damn good looking then (and made damn good Rhubarb pie, as I recall. Please do not read anything metaphorical into that, fun as the thought may be. She had made a pie and brought a piece to my mother, whom she knew loved good Rubarb pie. That's all. I swear. Oh, and I rode the elevator down with her in the EOB, too. Okay, just stop what you're thinking right now!)

I am also eternally grateful that Dr Rice called my mother the day she died. My mom couldn't respond, but I know it meant a lot to her. It meant a lot to the other family members who were there, too. She is a total class act.


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